What We Do

Urgent Help

BeeInvolved helps with emergency support to local partners near the frontline. Our life-saving work continues because of donors like you.
We are able to provide help thanks to the contributions of hundreds of Americans that care about Ukrainian people.
Evacuation is getting more dangerous as Russia’s relentless artillery attacks continue. The amazing volunteers are pushing deeper and deeper into the communities that are under fire, finding the most vulnerable residents and bringing them to safety.
About 15% of the residents of these besieged cities of the Luhansk region haven’t left. None of them have running water. Besides evacuation, our partners continue with humanitarian aid delivery. We also use a small part of our donations for other types of assistance, like providing dog food and food for homeless pets left in besieged cities. They are defenceless and in dire need of help.

How we help


more than 20,700 people have been evacuated by our Ukrainian volunteers

Humanitarian help

we help people that don’t have ANY access to food and water

Volunteers support

six local volunteer groups are united by one desire to help people

Temporary housing assistance

as thousands of houses have been destroyed, budget living housing is needed

Ukrainian volunteers are brave, professional and patriotic

Meet Our Volunteers

Янголи спасіння

(Yangoly spasinnya)



Червоний Хрест

(Red Cross)

Добро Лисичанськ

(Dobro Lysychansk)
